Dr. Bloom is currently in private practice while working alongside multiple family physicians and medical specialists. He sometimes has first or second year family medicine residents in his office (for clinical observation) as his clinic participates as a selective clinic within the North York General Hospital family medicine residency program. Kevin has presented to first and second year family medicine residents at North York General Hospital regarding, “Conservative Management of Musculoskeletal Injuries,” as part of the Family Medicine Academic Seminar Series.

He has also presented at Medical Rounds at Humber River Regional Hospital. Other past experiences include working as a consultant at the Hamilton Hospitals Assessment Centre, and the University Health Network, Toronto Western Hospital site, Department of Rehabilitation Solutions.

From an educational standpoint, Kevin has completed his Doctor of Chiropractic (Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, 2001) while completing his clinical internship at St. John’s Rehabilitation Hospital (which is now part of Sunnybrook Hospital). In addition, Dr. Bloom has completed his Bachelor of Science degree (University of Western Ontario, 1996), Masters of Business Administration degree (Schulich School of Business, York University, 2003), and Medical Acupuncture (McMaster University, Department of Anesthesia, 2008). Kevin is currently in good standing with the College of Chiropractors of Ontario.