Moving Tips
- Dr. Kevin Bloom
Moving residences can prove to be a very physically demanding process. Numerous musculoskeletal problems can result from this process, most notably lower back injuries. The following strategies can help reduce the chance of injury from moving:
Do Diagnostic Testing Results Matter for Musculoskeletal Injuries?
- Dr. Kevin Bloom
There are certainly cases where diagnostic testing and further investigation are warranted. Sometimes, specific results can alter the plan of management and prove helpful in the case at that moment.
Read more: Do Diagnostic Testing Results Matter for Musculoskeletal Injuries?
Tips on Managing Back Pain Throughout the Day
- Dr. Kevin Bloom
Many people spend the bulk of each day with their lower back in the flexed position. Common examples include prolonged sitting, prolonged driving, and sleeping in the fetal position. Repetitive/prolonged lower back flexion can put tremendous pressure on the lower back discs, muscles, and ligaments and ultimately result in pain.
10 Tips to Prevent Household Chore Injuries
- Dr. Kevin Bloom
Some of the most common back injuries involve household chores. Completion of household chores without the proper posture may result in pain. Pain can be caused by lifting and bending incorrectly or by simply overdoing it.
Guidelines for Gardening
- Dr. Kevin Bloom
Not typically perceived as an actual physical activity, gardening can often be more physically demanding than other physical activities. As a result, one can develop a number of musculoskeletal injuries from gardening. One of the most common gardening injuries is lower back pain.
Fall Cleanup Injury Prevention Tips
- Dr. Kevin Bloom
Fall cleanup can often result in symptoms, most commonly lower back symptoms. As a result, the following guidelines should be followed in order to try to prevent fall cleanup injuries:
Creating a Proper Ergonomic Office Work Station
- Dr. Kevin Bloom
A correct ergonomic computer workstation can help alleviate neck and shoulder/arm symptoms associated with prolonged sitting/computer usage. It is widely accepted that productivity increases when one is less focused on pain.
Acute Shoulder Pain Treatment Strategies
- Dr. Kevin Bloom
Shoulder problems most commonly present when normal shoulder movements are limited. Most of these problems occur due to rotator cuff injuries/pathologies.